In the current economic climate some areas of improvement are being de-prioritised as budgets get tighter. Most organisations will still support safety as a ‘Number 1 Priority’ – quite right – but what are we doing about the ‘Health’ bit in Health and Safety at Work?
If you need safety shoes and hard hats – no expense spared but how about stress management training, promotion of healthy eating or programmes to help people quit smoking – surly these are all ‘nice to haves’ that only large corporations can afford.
This is precisely why the Department for Work and Pensions has launched the Health Work and Well-being Challenge Fund – a £4million grant scheme to fund innovative projects that improve employees’ health and welfare at work.
Simply put the fund is there to support small and medium sized businesses in health & welfare projects and there is a particular emphasis on promotion of mental well being.
Are you eligible?
Small and medium sized businesses with between 1 and 249 employees, and local partnerships can apply for a grant of between £1,000 and £50,000 in each year. Businesses and organisations must be based and trading in Great Britain and must have been established for at least two years.
How to apply?
The Fund is available over two years with two bidding rounds. Applications for awards in 2010 are now closed but you can apply between September 2010 and December 2010 for awards in 2011.
For further information go to the Department for Work and Pensions website here.