Most new laws come into force on one of two common commencement dates each year; 6 April and 1 October. This enables you to prepare your business for the introduction of new requirements.
Here are some of the main changes that could affect your business.
1. Increase in Landfill Tax…
The standard rate of landfill tax will increase from £40 to £48 per tonne. The new rate applies for disposals made – or treated as made – on or after 1 April 2010. Note that it is planned that the standard rate will increase by £8 per tonne each April up to and including April 2013, ie from 1 April 2013, landfill tax will be £72 per tonne.
2. New Format Sicknotes…
The format of medical certificates (sick notes) – will change. Medical certificates are issued by doctors to employees when they are ill or injured. They are commonly used by employers as evidence for sick pay purposes.
With the current statement, doctors describe an individual’s condition and indicate whether or not they are fit to work. From 6 April 2010, the new statement – known as a statement of fitness for work or ‘fit note’ – will mean doctors can advise that the patient either:
- not fit for work
- may be fit for work
A doctor will give a ‘may be fit for work’ statement if they think that your employee’s health condition may allow them to work – as long as you give them the appropriate support.
Regulation Title: Social Security (Medical Evidence) and Statutory Sick Pay (Medical Evidence) (Amendment) Regulations 2010 (SI 2010/137)
3. New Fire Regulations (Note: England Only)
New regulations will clarify your responsibilities to consider the capabilities of your workers to carry out any fire safety-related tasks or assignments. You will have to think about:
- what a worker is able and unable to do when giving them tasks
- how these capabilities may affect their ability to deal with fire-related risks
For example, you will have to consider a worker’s capabilities as regards fire safety if you ask them to work with flammable chemicals.