From the most FAQs, test yourself on the questions below and then go to the link at the bottom of this blog and click on each question to see the HSE answers and guidelines for ea.
Is it safe?
Which is safer: alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC)?
Everyone gets a ‘belt’ from electricity every now and then, don’t they?
How do I know if my electrical equipment is safe?
How do I know if my electrical installation is safe?
Who should I talk to about electrical safety?
What voltages are dangerous?
What should I do if I think I have seen an unsafe electrical installation or equipment?
Working with Electricity
How do I know if someone is competent to do electrical work?
Can I do my own electrical work?
When should I use a residual current device?
When should I report an electrical accident to HSE?
What should I do if I think someone is working unsafely?
What should I do to avoid danger from underground cables or wires?
How do I work safely near overhead lines?
What should I do it I touch an overhead power line?
When is it safe to work on live electrical equipment?
How do I make my electrical equipment safe to work on?
Who has the responsibility to make sure everyone works safely?
I may have a colour vision deficiency which could affect my ability to do electrical work. Is there any guidance available?
There may be asbestos in or near equipment I am working on. Is there any guidance available?
Maintaining it Safely
How often should I test my electrical equipment?
How often should I get my electrical installation tested?