Doug Ward, a renowned health and safety practitioner, recently joined QCS International as part of our consultancy team having a wealth of knowledge and experience in managing health and safety in a wide range of diverse industry sectors.
As a minimum, organisations are required to appoint a competent person to oversee health and safety arrangements to minimise the risk of their businesses activities leading to ill health or accidents in the workplace.
At QCS we have a unique product – The Safety Advisor Scheme – which is tailored to your specific requirements to ensure you can have specialist help without employing a new resource.
We can conduct an audit of your current Health and Safety arrangements to ensure compliance with current and future legislation identifying any gaps in your process and procedures advising where necessary improvements can be made.
Where businesses do not have the resources to implement or maintain health and safety systems we can assist you in developing a Health and Safety management system bespoke to your operational activities.
We will place emphasis on what your business actually needs to manage and improve their existing health and safety arrangements to be compliant current and future legislative requirements.
This will enable your business to set clear objectives to improve and maintain your health and safety arrangements so employee’s contractors and visitors have confidence that your business is a safe working environment.
It can also assist in the development and maintenance of your health and safety management system to achieve an accredited international management standard OHSAS 18001.
Once your business has an established and well maintained safety management system QCS then drop back to an advisory role. However, we will not lose focus on your operational needs and will endeavour to maintain in contact to determine what further assistance we can provide.
If you would like an informal, no cost visit from Doug, please do not hesitate to call us on 01236 734447 or email and let us build up a partnership with you to ensure the safety and welfare of your staff and premises.