Setting your company/quality objectives is often the focus for organisations at this time of year. But some times deciding on measures and targets for a process can be difficult. This is where the KPI Library can be useful…
The KPI library can be found at and is a collection of over 2500 key performance indicators which is more than enough to satisfy any Senior Management Team score cards I have come across.
The KPI Library include measures for Human Resources, Legal Compliance, Sales, Improvement, Purchasing, Quality, Supply Chain, Health & Safety and Environment to name but a few.
This FREE service but for an additional fee ($99), the web site will also let you bench mark each KPI against your peers so you will get an idea of how good you are.
This web site will help you if you have any kind of issue about monitoring and measuring your processes. One way we have used this is to take an organisation’s process map and use the KPI library to decide on 2-3 measures per process. We then summarise this using excel into a monthly score card and decide how and who will collect the data.
The two most important things to do after setting up your score card are:
- Collect the data but if you find the measure is meaningless after a couple of months stop using it
- The meaningful data should be regularly reviewed and acted upon – this includes looking at the information and deciding on improvement objectives in your management review