Stress Audit Checklist
How often do any of your employees experience high levels of stress at work? Never, Rarely, Weekly, Constantly? Stress has firmly been on the HSE agenda for some time now but do you ever audit the control measures for this particular hazard? Here are some questions that you can use to assess stress management compliance in your organisation…
• Do you ensure that managers receive information and advice on how to manage work-related stress?
• Do you ask your employees what causes stress at work, and what can be done to reduce it?
• Do you have a clear policy that acts of bullying and harassment are not acceptable and all such complaints will be formally investigated?
• Do you, where possible, let your employees have some choice about how they prioritise their work?
• Do you make sure your employees always know what they are expected to do and regularly talk to them about their work?
• Do you ask your employees to talk to their manager if they are finding their job stressful?
• Do you make sure all managers know how to provide help, support and training to employees?
• Do you discuss any expected changes with your employees?
• Do you make sure working hours are managed and kept below 48 hours each week?
• Do you make sure your employees have enough time to do their work?